
Installation of large equipment of dryer, cooler, coating machine in fertilizer production line

In the fertilizer production line, the shape of drum dryer, drum cooler and coating machine is similar and the volume is large. The big ring of teeth on the barrel drives the barrel to rotate through the driving system. The gear meshing accuracy of the barrel is the key to the installation of the equipment. There are several aspects to be noted in the installation of these large fertilizer plants.

In order to facilitate the hoisting of equipment, the construction sequence of the foundation should be reasonably arranged.
In order to facilitate transportation and reduce the weight of individual equipment, such as dryers, they are usually assembled into two or more segments, so these equipment need to be assembled on site. In the foundation civil construction before installation of equipment, attention should be paid to reserving some space for installation, which is convenient for large cranes to enter and exit, and suitable for heavy-duty machinery construction.

Controlling the gear meshing and the error of the key dimensions on the cylinder to ensure that it is within a reasonable range.
Gear meshing is mainly controlled by the center distance and height between driving foundation and cylinder supporting foundation, and driving foundation and cylinder supporting foundation also affect the supporting wheel. Reserved position in installation to meet the fine-tuning of center distance.
Installation of dryer, cooler, coating machine in fertilizer production lineInstallation of dryer, cooler, coating machine in fertilizer production lineInstallation of dryer, cooler, coating machine in fertilizer production line
Make a good job of waterproof, damp proof and ventilation in workshop
In the process of compound fertilizer production, the material will absorb water, and the phenomenon of running, leaking and spraying will inevitably occur in the fertilizer workshop. The air of the workshop will contain harmful substances such as dust, and the odor of ammonia volatilization will also be accompanied. Therefore, it is necessary to make preparatory measures for the early installation.